What are the benefits?
C&C offers Politecnico community:
- 12% discount on Apple Computer
- 10% discount on iPad
- 10% discount on AppleCare+ (applicable only in conjunction with the purchase of a Mac or iPad)
- 3% discount on iPhone
- 5% discount on Apple accessories (applicable only in conjunction with the purchase of a Mac or iPad)
- free shipping on all products ordered online with no minimum spending limit
The official reference prices are those published by Apple on its website.
How does it work?
To enjoy the benefits dedicated to Politecnico, students and employees have to register on the website www.cec.com/polimi, entering the institutional email (@polimi.it or @mail.polimi.it), a password and the code POLIMI2023
For info and requests : +(39) 080 5622 398 - help@cec.com - Whatsapp +(39) 345 0389564
For information on the agreement: communitylife@polimi.it