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Complementary courses


Enrollment: from 12-09-2024 to hour 23:59 on 15-11-2024
Enrollment closed
Application completed, activity in evaluation
Subject area: Soft skill, personal and career development


Docente responsabile
CCS proponenti
Design del prodotto industriale - Integrated Product Design
Politecnico di Milano students.
Criteri di selezione
A maximum number of 100 short films may participate; if more than 100 short films are submitted, the first 100 short films received will be entered into the competition, with priority given to the short films of students from the School of Design. Studenti del Politecnico di Milano (L / LM)
Parole chiave:
CINEMA, montagna, strategic design
Environment and land planning

Descrizione dell'iniziativa

The new edition of the "CortAlp" Mountain Short Film Festival, curated by Aldo Faleri and Roberto Boni with Francesco Zurlo, scheduled for December 11th in Milan, organized by the Association ALPI+MILANO Aps in occasion of the International Mountain Day offers the third edition of the thematic short film contest "Manlio Armellini". All Politecnico students are invited to create videos inspired by the Mountains and their relationship with the fields of Design, Architecture, Graphics, and Communication, covering various aspects (environment, nature, ecology, energy, culture, tradition, lifestyle, food, sports, safety, tourism, and economy). Special emphasis should be placed on innovative and sustainable proposals within the aforementioned domains. The competition encourages the production of real or fantastical original works that must narrate the mountain of tomorrow. This narrative should draw from its history, culture, and traditions as connections with the future, ensuring its survival for following generations. The short films for the Prize "Manlio Armellini" competition fall into the following categories:

A) Sport and Innovation: for the practice of sports, industrial and artisanal production with technological innovation and/or artisanal tradition are the essential elements of the success of the productive excellences of the Alpine regions as a support for their circular economies and its attendance aware and sustainable of its territories.

B) Culture and Communication: analogue or digital, useful tool for promotion, communication and work and/or recreation for work, tourism and the safety of users/goers and inhabitants of the mountains;

C) Landscape and Environment: the design of the Alpine environment is made up of material and immaterial elements of the collective imagination, of its uniqueness and beauty which must be the object of the highest and most conscious environmental sustainability.

The contest is open to "original" video projects realized by Politecnico's students (from all Campuses), priority will be given to students of the School of Design.Individual students or groups (maximum 3 students, also from different Schools) can participate, submitting max one work per category.

The shorts should be in digital format, in the minimum resolution of Full HD H264, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. Preferably in Italian with English subtitles. If the original language is different from Italian, Italian subtitles must be provided.Shorts that have participated in previous film festivals (excluding previous editions of CortAlp) are also eligible.

The Jury will consist of expert members appointed by CAI, the School of Design and the Association ALPI+MILANO. The selection of the winners will consider originality, adherence to chosen themes, and the inspiring values of CAI, with priority given to sensitive topics such as environmental sustainability, inclusion, biodiversity, and environmental impact.

The winning works of the Prize "Manlio Armellini" Competition in each category will be screened for the public during the CortAlp Festival and will also be considered for special awards and mentions.

AWARD Thanks to Private Sponsors, a prize will be awarded to the first-placed work in each of the three categories.

Periodo di svolgimento

dal November 2024 a December 2024


Entro 15.11.2024 - Chiusura iscrizione e invio cortometraggio: Ciascuno degli Studenti partecipanti (quindi anche ogni partecipante ad un gruppo di autori) dovrà candidarsi attraverso la piattaforma Passion in Action indicando il titolo del Corto, gli eventuali altri membri del gruppo di autori (dovranno iscriversi tutti in PiA) e trasmettere il Corto tramite WeTransfer o altra piattaforma di condivisione file all'indirizzo e . e i seguenti files:

  • Il file digitale del corto in HD, alla risoluzione minima (Full HD H264) durata massima 5 minuti totali, comprensivo di titoli e sottotitoli in inglese; (se la lingua originale è diversa dall'italiano devono essere presenti i sottotitoli in italiano);
  • il trailer del film in alta risoluzione della durata massima di 45 secondi;
  • la sinossi del film in lingua italiana e inglese;
  • la biografia con filmografia dell'autore/autori in lingua italiana e inglese;
  • 3 fotografie di scena/ immagini rappresentative del film in alta risoluzione -300 dpi-;
  • 1 fotografia dell'autore/del gruppo di autori.
  • 1 manifesto/locandina del corto formato PDF A3 (verticale) con titolo, nomi e immagine

Per ulteriori specifiche/informazioni tecniche, contattare il prof. Aldo Faleri, aldo.faleri@polimi.it1 Dicembre: Riunione Giuria per selezione vincitori11 dicembre: Premiazione e Proiezione durante il Festival CORT-ALP.

By November 15, 2024 – Application Deadline and Short Film Submission: Each participating student (including every member of a group) must apply via the Passion in Action platform, specifying the title of the short film, listing any other group members (all must register on PiA) and submitting the short film via WeTransfer or another file-sharing platform to the following email addresses:,, and The following files must be included: 

  • The digital HD version of the short film, with a minimum resolution (Full HD H264), maximum duration of 5 minutes including titles and English subtitles (If the original language is not Italian, subtitles in Italian must be provided);
  • A high-resolution trailer of the film, with a maximum duration of 45 seconds.
  • A synopsis of the film in both Italian and English.
  • A biography and filmography of the author(s) in both Italian and English.
  • Three high-resolution (300 dpi) stills/representative images from the film.
  • One photograph of the author or author group.
  • A PDF poster of the short film in A3 (vertical) format, including the title, names, and image.

 For further specifications or technical information, please contact Prof. Aldo Faleri at

  • December 1 – Jury meeting to select winners.
  • December 11 – Award Ceremony and Screening during the CORT-ALP Festival.


Reminder: Nov. 15, 2024: Application deadline and short film submission;Dec. 1: Jury meeting to select winners;Dec. 11: Screening and Awards Ceremony during the CORTALP festival.

You are requested to sign the Declaration of Consent to the valorisation of your project attached