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University Bodies

Guarantee Act Committee

The Guarantee Act Committee (Comitato Unico di Garanzia,CUG) for equal opportunities, enhancement of employees’ well-being and against discrimination is established to implement the CM Directive no. 4/3/2011 and Article 35 of the University Statute.

The CUG promotes equal opportunities for every person in the work and study environment through measures preventing and fighting discrimination based on sex and sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, personal and political convictions, disability and age.

The Operating Rules - enacted through the Director’s Decree no. 2662 of April 1st 2019 - regulate the activities of the Committee. The CUG has proactive, advisory, and verification duties concerning:

  • the spread of the culture of equal opportunities among the faculty, the administrative staff (including non-tenured personnel), and the students of the Politecnico di Milano (hereafter: POLIMI);
  • the promotion of gender equality;
  • the fight against discrimination in training, hiring, working conditions, career advancements, and salaries;
  • the dissemination of the University Code of Ethics and monitoring its compliance.

In performing its duties, the CUG respects the dignity of every person and champions organisational well-being. To this end, it closely collaborates with all the bodies and services, taking care of the well-being of the members of the POLIMI communities. The following sections report the most relevant collaborations.

Other info


Alias career

How to contact the CUG

For reports, proposals or suggestions within the CUG’s field of action, you can send an e-mail to

CUG members and the Equal Opportunities office manage this e-mail box. Any information from/about the senders is treated as strictly confidential.

It is possible to contact the CUG president directly by sending an email to

This e-mail box is managed by the CUG president, Cristina Rossi and her deputy, Valeria Baudo. Any information from/about the senders is treated as strictly confidential.

Our location

The office of the Guarantee Act Committee is located at Campus Leonardo of the Politecnico di Milano, Building 10.


Three-year Positive Action Plan (Italian only)

CUG's annual report (Italian only)